Tchoukball Game : Court, Rules, Players, and Positions

Table of Content

1. Introduction

2. The Tchoukball Game

3. Court Layout

4. Rules of Tchoukball

5. Goal Area Tactics

6. Players and Positions

7. FAQs

8. Conclusion

 Tchoukball Game


Tchoukball is a captivating and exhilarating sport that has been gaining popularity worldwide. This game's rapid-fire pace necessitates both agility and smart thought. We will delve into the nuances of the Tchoukball game in this detailed tutorial, including the court structure, rules, goal area strategies, and the duties of players and positions. This page includes something for everyone, whether you're an experienced player trying to improve your abilities or a novice eager to learn.

The Tchoukball Game

Tchoukball, often referred to as the "art of the perfect rebound," is a team sport that places a high emphasis on cooperation and precision. The objective is simple: score points by throwing a ball at a springy net without letting the opposing team catch it. Let's explore the game's key components.

History of Tchoukball Game

Understanding the origins of Tchoukball adds depth to your appreciation of the sport. It was invented in the 1970s by Dr. Hermann Brandt, a Swiss biologist, who sought to create a game that minimized injuries while promoting physical activity and teamwork.

Objective of the Game

Tchoukball combines elements of handball, volleyball, and squash. Throwing the ball at the net of the opposing team's team is the main objective in order to make it bounce away from them and be challenging to collect. Each successful throw into the net earns your team points.

1. Court Layout

The Tchoukball court is a symmetrical rectangle divided into several zones, each with a distinct purpose. Let's break down the court's layout and its significance.

2. The D-Zone

The place nearest to the internet is here. When the ball is in play, neither team's players are allowed in this area. Rebounds happen in the "no-go" region, giving the game a strategic element.

3. The Scoring Zone

Situated at the ends of the court, this is where the offensive team aims to score. The net is placed here, and precise shots into this area are essential for victory.

4. Midfield

The central part of the court, known as the midfield, serves as the transition area between defense and offense. It's where players reposition themselves to initiate attacks or defend against the opponent's advances. 

4. The Outskirts

The outer boundaries of the court are essential for strategic play. Players use these areas to move laterally and create angles for passes and shots. Staying within the court's boundaries is crucial to avoid turnovers and maintain ball possession.

Rules of Tchoukball

Tchoukball has a unique set of rules that differentiate it from other sports. To master the game, one must grasp these rules thoroughly. Let's explore some crucial aspects.

1. No Physical Contact

Unlike many contact sports, Tchoukball strictly forbids physical contact between players. This promotes fair play and emphasizes agility and precision over aggression.

2. Three Pass Rule

Teams must complete three passes before attempting to score. This rule encourages teamwork and ball movement, making it harder for the opposition to anticipate offensive moves.

3. 10-Second Rule

Possession of the ball is limited to 10 seconds per player. Quick decision-making and passing are essential to keep the game flowing.

4. Substitution Protocol

Tchoukball allows for unlimited substitutions during stoppages in play. This dynamic feature keeps the game fresh and allows teams to adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

5. No Double Dribble

In Tchoukball, a player cannot dribble the ball twice in a row. This rule ensures that the ball keeps moving and prevents players from dominating possession.

6. Defensive Boundaries

Each team has a designated half of the court. Players are not allowed to cross over into the opponent's half, except when shooting at the net. This rule maintains a fair balance between offense and defense.

7. The 'Out' Zone

If a player throws the ball outside the court boundaries or into the D-zone, possession is awarded to the opposing team. Precision and control are paramount to avoid costly turnovers.

8. Scoring Validity

To earn points, the ball must hit the net frame and rebound away from the defending team. If it rebounds towards the attacking team, the play is considered invalid, emphasizing the importance of accurate shots.

Goal Area Tactics

In Tchoukball, scoring in the goal area isn't just about throwing the ball into the net blindly. Effective tactics in the goal area are vital for success. Let's delve into some strategic approaches:

1. Bouncing Shots

One of the most effective tactics in the goal area is using bouncing shots. Bounce the ball off the ground before it reaches the net to avoid throwing it right into it. This tactic greatly increases your chances of scoring by making it very difficult for the opposition side to catch the ball.

2. Swift Passing

Quick and accurate passing is key to creating opportunities in the goal area. Instead of attempting individual heroics, use your teammates to your advantage. Pass the ball rapidly and precisely to confuse the defense and create openings for a successful shot.

3. Movement Off the Ball

Effective positioning and movement off the ball are crucial in the goal area. Players should constantly be on the move, creating space and drawing defenders out of position. This dynamic movement can lead to better passing lanes and scoring opportunities.

4. Faking Shots

Deception is a powerful tool in the goal area. By faking a shot, you can trick the opposing goalkeeper and defenders into committing to a save prematurely. This can open up an empty net for an easy score.

4. Communication

Clear and concise communication is essential in the goal area. Teammates should signal their intentions, call for passes, and coordinate their movements to avoid collisions and maximize scoring chances.

Players and Positions

Tchoukball teams typically consist of seven players, each with a specific role and position on the court. Understanding these roles is crucial for team synergy.

1. The Attacker

liable for attacking and attempting to win points. This player needs to be quick, accurate, and well-timed.

2. The Defender

Tasked with intercepting the opponent's throws and quickly transitioning to attack. Defense is just as vital as offense in Tchoukball.

3. The Pivot

This player acts as the linchpin between offense and defense, facilitating ball movement and creating opportunities.



Tchoukball is more than just a sport; it's a captivating blend of strategy, teamwork, and precision. With its unique court design, rules, goal area tactics, and player positions, Tchoukball offers a thrilling experience for athletes of all levels. Whether you're aiming to become a seasoned pro or just looking for a fun way to stay active, Tchoukball has something to offer everyone. So, grab a ball, gather your team, and start your Tchoukball journey today!


Q: How long is a standard Tchoukball game?

A: A standard Tchoukball game consists of two halves, each lasting 15 minutes.

Q: Can players use their feet to control the ball in Tchoukball?

A: No, Tchoukball is a sport that exclusively uses the hands and arms for ball handling.

Q: Is Tchoukball suitable for all age groups?

A: Yes, Tchoukball is a versatile sport that can be adapted for different age groups and skill levels.

Q: Are there any restrictions on the number of substitutions in Tchoukball?

A: Tchoukball allows unlimited substitutions during stoppages in play.

Q: What is the penalty for physical contact in Tchoukball?

A: Physical contact in Tchoukball results in a turnover, giving possession to the opposing team.

Q: Can Tchoukball be played indoors and outdoors?

A: Yes, Tchoukball can be played in both indoor and outdoor settings, with minor adjustments to the rules.

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